Orang-orang batu api sial ni smer eh, gi terjun suda k?! seriously
i don't understand a single fuck shit why the hell would you
do that? no life, lack of love or what ?!! its getting on my nerves siak !
i'm so busy nowadays preparing for my final exams but i
specially spare some time to blog.
Just one question eh, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME ?!! you
win people's heart by backstabbing other people? kau bodoh pe sia?!
you go around telling your 'bestfriend' what i've been doing with
whoever, where i went with whoever, what i did with whoever. buto la,
i don't remember engaging a spy in my life. kau nampak aku kat
mane2 ngan sape2 pun kau nak gi bilang2 orang pe?! lain kali aku tunjuk
sluardalam aku colour ape, kau gi blg semue org k? tulis pat msn kau
skali, busuk2 pun kau gi buat banner besar2 la, tulis
'ACAH'S PANTIES PURPLE COLOUR TODAY !!', abe kau pi jalan pat
orchard road. tu macam baru swee org kata.
kimak dier punye anjing betul. (!!!!!!!)
It's bloody irritating !! kalau kau pikir nak jatuhkan aku, salah orang la
babe. cara kau pun sial, sape mau layan. kau menang ngan dayang-
dayang kau jela. 5 ketol taik. step mana nye mana je, padahal da telan
air pekat. kan kan kan??? hahaha, sedih pe labu?! out of 10 people
eh, 9 back out after knowing your true colours. selame ni kau ampu2 org,
kau rapat2 ngan aku pasal nak korek rahsia, so that you can go to your
bestfriend for 'a brand new story about me'. kire ape, a new chapter
begin pe?! new chapter kepala pisang kau k. kau dalah busukkan nama
aku pasal bende tak perlu. merepekkkkkkkkkk !!
Your tactic eh, in order for you to get close to someone, be it your beloved
boss ke eh, or any other people, you'll suddenly be very close to the person,
then you eliminate other human beings by backstabbing them, then you
start telling stupid redundant stories to the person, you give the person
your air kangkang satu perigi, the person bodoh go and believe you, and
TADAAAA, you found a new friend !! hahahahah, bende ni semue da ble bace
la. haha ! sia-sia je jadi kindergarten teacher, jahanam siak budak2 tu
da besar. semue kepala buto macam kau nanti.
You just loveddd to see people fight. or to be precise you want to make
people realised you're the apple in everyone's eyes. mana nye besar je suruh2
orang buat keje, organiser la kehape haramjad. puihhh. nak angkat bola
orang ble ah sanggup buat tu macam. orang kangkang, suruh kau duduk
in between kelengkang dia untuk 2 hari pun kau sanggup. kan kan kan ?!
macam anjing. HAHAHAHAHHA !! aku sukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! when
i'm quiet does'nt mean im afraid, im camera-ing you closely. im observing.
kau pijak wire aku, kau jawab. ni acah, aku cakap aku buat nye.
huahuahuahauahua !!
Thats the why your boyfriend have another girl !! hahaha, abe kau legong,
dimadukan pun masih go. hahahahahahaha, bodoh pe kau ?!! mati suda !
Harapkan umur je tua, otak banyak taik !!
dasar kunik-kunik !! merepek !
Kalau terase pedas, email je babe !!
you even got my number mahh, text me, call me !!
hahaha !!
Everybody else who're not involved,
diam-diam suda !!
k bye !